
I had some issues with XMLRPCServer and I try to validate my

My first try was this (somewhat self explaining code):

from DocXMLRPCServer import DocXMLRPCServer
from cx_Oracle import connect

def get_task_list(user):
    sql = """
        select   ISS.ISS_ISSUE_NUMBER
               , ISS.ISS_DESCRIPTION
               , ISS.C_PC_ISS_STATUS
               , ISS.ISS_IN_WORK
               , ISS.PC_ISSUES_ID
               , DES.GCDTEXT1
            from ...
           where ...
    con = connect('DEVELOP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute(sql, USE_NAME = user.upper())
    result = cur.fetchall()
    return result

server = DocXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))

But I had 2 errors with this code:
-PC_ISSUES_ID column could be an integer of 12 digits but the XML
generator only allow 2L**31-1 long integer, so I had an
Overflowexception: long int exceeds XML-RPC.
-Text columns (like ISS_DESCRIPTION) could contains non ascii char.
(éàç) but the server doesn't allow to specify the encoding to use
for the XML, so parser error on non-ascii char. on the client side
(ExpatError: not well-formed (invalid token)).

My working code with workarounds for these issues is:

from DocXMLRPCServer import DocXMLRPCServer
from cx_Oracle import connect

#increase MAXINT constant to allow 12 digits integer for PC_ISSUES_ID
#(long int exceeds XML-RPC exception)
import xmlrpclib
xmlrpclib.MAXINT = 999999999999

def get_task_list(user):
    sql = """
        select   ISS.ISS_ISSUE_NUMBER
               , ISS.ISS_DESCRIPTION
               , ISS.C_PC_ISS_STATUS
               , ISS.ISS_IN_WORK
               , ISS.PC_ISSUES_ID
               , DES.GCDTEXT1
            from ...
           where ...
    con = connect('DEVELOP/[EMAIL PROTECTED]')
    cur = con.cursor()
    cur.execute(sql, USE_NAME = user.upper())
    result = cur.fetchall()
    #convert string column to unicode (XML generator does not use
    # encoding so string must be UTF8 or unicode)
    result = [list(row) for row in result]
    for row in result:
        for count, x in enumerate(row):
            if isinstance(x, str):
                row[count] = x.decode('cp1252')
    return result

server = DocXMLRPCServer(("localhost", 8000))

But it seems to me not very clean, especially the MAXINT hack.
Has anyone a better solution ?


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