Ben Cartwright wrote:

> > w =Label(root, text="Congratulations you have made it this far,just a few 
> > more
> > questions then i will be asking you some")
> >
> > The problem i have is where i have started to write some 
> > text"Congratulations
> > you have made it this far,just a few more questions then i will be asking 
> > you
> > some")
> > I would actually like to add some text but it puts it all on one line.I 
> > would
> > like to be able to tell it to start a new line.
> Just use \n in your string, e.g.:
> w = Label(root, text="Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3")
> Or a triple-quoted string will do the trick:
> w = Label(root, text="""Line 1
> Line 2
> Line 3""")

you can also use the wraplength option to set a max width for
the label widget:

    w = Label(
        root, text="long paragraph...",
        wraplength=150, justify=LEFT

also see:



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