I have done a few GUI apps in python.  I like many started with
tKinter is quick, easy, ugly and limited.  It did really well for
little programs I wrote for my wife, like a shopping cart, and some
quick admin tools for clients.

Now I'm a big wxPython fan.
wxPython has a small learning curve if your used to event driven gui
programming - but doc can be bad - it's improved majorly for 2.6.  The
other nice thing, if your users are primarily win32 I've had good
success with py2exe(and no my setup files didn't have to be more than
about 10-15 lines) and wxPython - so distibution to non-python ppl can
be quite good on win32.

I've actually had more problems getting tKinter to work with py2exe.

However, the suggestions of running this browser based and using a mini
python server are good.  If your gui requirements are really that
simple, a web based approach will have the least headaches in my


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