Tim Parkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> >Hi,
> >
> >I was wondering : as there has been a change in python.org website with
> >a new design, is it planned for the documentation section to be
> >revamped as well ? If yes, would it be just a appearance renewal or
> >would there also be changes in the doc itself ?
> >
> >Martin.
> >  
> >
> docs.python.org will stay the same as far as I am aware but I'll be
> looking at trying out a version of the docs using the new python.org
> layout. Obviously this will affect more regular users of the site and so
> will need testing out first. The structure of the documentation won't
> change but it will have a new navigation (rather than just the back, up,
> forward on the current latex2html output). It's probably best to get
> something up on a test site to look at before over-analysing it though..

How about the desktop icon used on Windows boxes?  Will we see the shy
tadpoles replacing the squiggly green pixellated Python snake in 2.5?
If not, why not? -- is this not a branding excercise?  (I don't
personally like the tadpoles, FWLIW, but inconsistency seems worse)



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