"Terry Reedy" wrote:
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> > But the perception I get here, from responses like yours,
> > is that such suggestions are unwelcome, and unlikely
> > to be acted upon.
> FL is not the main doc maintainer.  Even if you were to be correct about
> his views, premature generalization is the source of much error.

Not sure how premature it is.  I've been reading
c.l.p. on and off for nearly a year.

> >  I gather corrections of factual
> > errors are welcome, but stylistic, or organizational
> > ones are not.  And the latter kind of changes, applied
> > extensively to all the docs, are what will make a big
> > improvement.  Difficult at best, but absolutely impossible
> > if you and the other powers-that-be are happy with
> > the status-quo.
> If you wish to become a volunteer Python improver, let me know either here
> or privately and I will respond with a suggestion and an offer.

Yes, please do.  I'm sure it would be helpful, not only
for me but for everyone dissatified with the current
documentation and wanting to help, to hear your 
suggestion / offer.


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