You may find the IDE review at Straw Dogs worth a look:

On 3/31/06, Keith B. Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
To me, it just doesn't behave the same way as Eclipse for java.  I have used the plug-in, and I usually use it on my home machine ( I am still a student).  For example, in Java eclipse, if you import a module like math, then if you want to use a math function, you just type math + period, and then all the functions pop up in a scroll menu.  I love this.  I am not searching through online documentation...etc just to find some stupid method/function that I know is there.  It doesn't seem to behave like this for Python....I wish it did.
I still love programming in Python, though.

On 3/31/06, Fabio Zadrozny <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

On 31 Mar 2006 06:46:35 -0800, kbperry <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
I have recently been trying out NewEdit, and it is a pretty good "IDE"
for Python.

The reason that I have it in quotes is because I haven't really found a
true IDE (like the way Eclipse behaves for Java) for python.  (I
realize that Eclipse has a plug-in for Python, too).

So, why wouldn't you consider Pydev (the python plugin for Eclipse) a Python IDE?





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