In using a simple smtp routine:

# begin example
>>> import smtplib
>>> server = smtplib.SMTP('')
>>> server.sendmail('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
Subject: Shakespeare Quote

Tis like the breath of an unfeed lawyer...
>>> server.quit()
# end example

I find the following error:

   raise SMTPSenderRefused(code, resp, from_addr)
smtplib.SMTPSenderRefused: (550, '5.7.1 Authentication Required',

I have attempted to incorporate into the interactive session:

server.login = ('userid', 'password')   # the same ones I use in my
email program

But I get the same error result. My objective is to have a simple way
to send email from the command line. To do this I will write a script
which can read in a file and send it to the address on top of the file.
What is the procedure for authentication?

Using the KMail email program (Linux, KDE desktop), I send mail through
my Verizon account. Under the Configure KMail / Accounts / Modify
Account / Extras tab, I clicked "Check what the server supports" and it
came back 'no encryption' and 'cleartext'. So it doesn't seem that it
would involve complex procedures.

Any help welcome.


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