Hi !
I want to process many data with python, and want to store in database.
In the prior version of my code I create a simple thing that delete the 
old results, recreate the database and fill up it.
But that is not too flexible, because when an power supply or hardware 
problem occured, all of the processed items are lost.
Then I thinking about a solution that can continue the work. This is 
like an diff or sync. directories problem.
Everytime I need to compare existing datas with inputs, and get result 
about this database: is finished, or I need to drop/add some elements.
That is not to hard to code, but I see that the very large files are 
very vulnerable.
Example: the older version of my code is use zip to export files... When 
I processed many files, I access the physical limit of the zip (4 GB), 
and every results destroyed in the crash...
Or when the database file is getting inconsistent state, I only way to 
make result is to drop db, and recreate it.
So I thinking about that I split the datas into smaller sections, and 
use them. If any of them destroyed or injured, I need to recreate only that.
But this solution have a problems too.
1.) I need a header file to "join" them logically. When this file 
injured, every data must drop.
2.) The sync. operation is harder, because some files are not needed 
(when input data amount less than before), or some records are not 
needed; or I need to add some records to some of the files.
3.) I need to use global db to store global values.
If I use this concept, I pay with hardest coding, and many-many bug chance.
So I want to use one database file - but I want to protect it.
How to do it with SQLite ?
I see that solutions:
- 1. I use transactions.
- 2. I create full copy of database after every bigger transation.
- 3. Shadow file ???
- 4. Mirror database (this is problematic to synch.).
The transactions are very good things, but does not protect the database 
from injuring.
The copy operation is better, but very decrease the processing speed, 
because the result db grow fast, and copy of 1/2,2/3 GBs is slow, and 
not too good.
Have SQLite any solution to this problem ?

Or have you any solution to this problem ? Hash-DB ? Pickled elements ?
Thanx for the help:

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