Hi there,

I have just started looking into using Python to perform some XML
processing and I need to ensure that it is capable of validating
against a schema file (XSD not DTD!).  The research done so far seems
to indicate that it has native support for validating XML against DTDs
but not against XSDs.  There seems to be an XSV library which makes
this possible but it requires compilation and I don't have the
necessary resources to do that (i.e. access to a compiler and the
required knowledge).  Can someone please comment on:

1. Whether there is, in fact, native support for XML validation against
an XSD schema file
2. If not, is there a binary distribution for a library that allows
this to be performed?
3. Again, if not, would it be possible for someone to point me out in
the right direction as to how I would go about getting a GPL C compiler
for Win 32 and performing the necessary steps to get XSV (or a similar
package) to work?

Any assistance in this regard would be greatly appreciated.




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