"Mirco Wahab" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> John Salerno wrote:
> > There is an article on oreilly.net's OnLamp site called "The World's
> > Most Maintainable Programming Language"
> >
> There is one really interessting (imho) point
> in the last part that struck me down:
> <blockquote>
>  Aside from a formal specification, which I hope to
>  produce in the near future, the language needs a name.
>  Here is where many modern languages have done well.
>  Perl, named after Pearl Biggar (Larry Wall’s fiancée),
>  Ruby (named after Ruby Kusanagi Matsumoto, Yukihiro
>  Matsumoto’s youngest daughter), Ada (named after
>  Charles Babbage’s first programming student,
>  Ada Lovelace), and COBOL (named after Colleen
>  Bolero, the heroine of a Ravel operetta) have
>  set a high standard for naming techniques.
> </blockquote>
> OMG!
> Did you people know that already ;-)
> Regards
> M.

COBOL = COmmon Business-Oriented Language

I think the author was just testing to see who was reading.  Also, is there
any significance to the publication date of the Conclusion (or the name
selected for the "ultimate" language)?

Seems like a lot of work for an Avril Fool's prank...

-- Paul


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