Balin wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have some problem with packege kinterbas for Firebird db connection
> this is my code:
> import kinterbasdb
> class ConnessioneDB:
>     def initialize(self):
>         kinterbasdb.init(concurrency_level=1)
>         con = kinterbasdb.connect(host='',
> database='/home/db/TEST.FDB', user='SYSDBA', password='masterkey) <--- E

If that's the actual code you're using, presumably you're getting an
error message like:
SyntaxError: EOL while scanning single-quoted string
because there's no closing quote after 'masterkey.

If that's not the actual code, could you post the actual code, the
actual error message, along with the versions of Python, Firebird,
KInterbasDB, and your operating system?


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