On Apr 6, 2006, at 3:25 PM, Jay Parlar wrote:

> I just downloaded, built, and installed the new 2.5 alpha on OS X 
> 10.3, and it seems that the new 'functional' didn't get installed.
> I know that it got built (done from the 2.5 source directory):
> Jay-Computer:~/Desktop/Python-2.5a1 jayparlar$ find . -iname 
> functional*
> ./build/lib.darwin-7.9.0-Power_Macintosh-2.5/functional.so
> ./build/temp.darwin-7.9.0-Power_Macintosh-2.5/functionalmodule.o
> ./Modules/functionalmodule.c
> But it doesn't seem to have been installed, as the same 'find' from 
> /usr/local/lib/python2.5 produces nothing at all.
> I used the 'make altinstall' option when installing.
> Now that I'm looking closer at it, it seems that *no* modules 
> implemented in C have been installed...
> Jay P.

Never mind, I just forgot to reset my PYTHONPATH variable to point to 
the new site-packages. It all works when I set it to 

Kind of weird though that only the C modules went to 
~/Library/Python2.5/site-packages, but all the .py modules went to 
/usr/local/lib/python2.5/. Could that be because of my 
~/.pydistutils.cfg having the following:

install_lib = ~/Library/Python$py_version_short/site-packages
install_scripts = ~/bin

Jay P.


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