cyberco wrote:
> And I thought this would be trivial...getting mod_python to run within
> apache on windows XP.
> =============
> mod_python 3.2.8
> apache 2.0.55
> python2.4
> winxp
> =============
> After adding:
> "LoadModule python_module modules/"
> to apache's httpd.conf, apache refuses to start, saying:
> "cannot load c:/<path>/ into server: the specified module
> could not be found"
> '' is in the modules folder under apache, though.
> I've searched everywhere, but could not find a solution. Anybody here
> that has been successful in getting this combo to work?

Surely not *everywhere*, since a similar question was posed on the 
mod_python mailing list just 3 days ago. ;)

For possible solutions see:


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