On Fri, 7 Apr 2006 22:52:06 +0200, rumours say that "Arne"
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> might have written:

>"Peter Hansen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 

>> Arne wrote:
>>> Hello !
>>> I am looking for a widget with the following properties:
>>> - showing the tree file structure/ directory structure
>>> - next to each file should be a checkbox
>>> - the tree should only show certain files (i. e. only for the looked in 
>>> user)

>> For which GUI framework?  (e.g. Tkinter, wxPython, etc...)

>If possible for the Tkinter frameworkt.

There's a TreeWidget.py module in idlelib, which you can modify to your
needs.  There's also the Tix.Tree widget, if you have Tix installed (and you
probably do if you run a recent Python on your Windows box), which also is
very powerful.
TZOTZIOY, I speak England very best.
"Dear Paul,
please stop spamming us."
The Corinthians

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