Clodoaldo Pinto a écrit :
> bill pursell wrote:
>>2) In the section on installing, you begin with:
>>"Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming
>>language.".  The complete novice sees those words and expects
>>them to be explained, but there is no definition given.  I would
>>recommend simplifying that sentence, or explaining the terms.
> Ok, i will think about something, or just delete it.

FWIW, being "interpreted" is not a feature of a language but of a given 
implementation of a language - and actually, the reference 
implementation (CPython) is byte-compiled, not interpreted. As for 
interactivity, it comes from a program (the Python shell) that ships 
with the reference implementation - not from the laguage itself.

This leaves us with "Python is an object-oriented programming language", 
which is not 100% accurate since Python - even if strongly OO - also 
supports the procedural and functional paradigms !-)

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