Jay wrote:

 > I have compleated the beginers guide to python
 > http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld/.
 > then i found the Toolkit Tkinter and started on that. its graight and
 > av made lots of apps to help me with litle things but i have a big
 > problem. the CLASS method.

Ledds viddy, my droog - you tried to rabbit
hard but diddnt get your horrorshow? So you
start platching here?

 > when i seperate things up into classes i carnt get one class to tell
 > the other class somthing. it just opens another coppy of the class. i
 > am confused.

Malchick, you cracked your veshchs to classes, which is
not that gloopy. So rabbit on them and add class methods
that sloosh on beeing called and do the proper veshchs
to the gulliwuts of their classes.

 > oh and i carnt fathem out how to run to loops at the same time. EG .
 > Ball Blaster i wanted to permenetly run the ball with a loop well my
 > main loop ran the bat.
 > can sumone point me to the right studeing material.

All TK-lewdies here will creech 'callback' at you sth. So
prod your working TK app by rabbit out a 'callback domy',
just filly around with this
or that

Tolchock it,


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