John Salerno wrote:
> Ben Cartwright wrote:
>> Definitely go for (1).  The Morris sequence is a great candidate to
>> implement as a generator.  As a generator, it will be more flexible and
>> efficient than (2).
> Actually I was just thinking about this and it seems like, at least for 
> my purpose (to simply return a list of numbers), I don't need a 
> generator. My understanding of a generator is that you do something to 
> each yielded value before returning to the generator (so that you might 
> not return at all), but since I'm not handling the individual numbers, 
> just getting a list, it seems I don't need them to be yielded. Of 
> course, a generator would allow the process to be done over and over, I 
> suppose, which is what I wanted, I just couldn't figure out how to keep 
> using the new values.

itertools.groupby makes this very straightforward:

 >>> from itertools import groupby
 >>> def lookandsay(seed):
...     seed = str(seed)
...     while 1:
...         seed = "".join("%s%s" % (len(list(group)), item)
...             for item, group in groupby(seed))
...         yield seed
 >>> seq = lookandsay(1)

If you want to get just part of the infinite series, use itertools.islice:

 >>> from itertools import islice
 >>> list(islice(lookandsay(1),10))
['11', '21', '1211', '111221', '312211', '13112221', '1113213211', 
'31131211131221', '13211311123113112211', '11131221133112132113212221']
 >>> list(islice(lookandsay(1),10,20))



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