Frank Millman wrote:
> We know that Python is in the process of changing the division
> operator. The main reason for the change is that the current approach
> is not intuitive to a newcomer (whether experienced or not).
> Why not think to the future, and do it like this. Instruct the reader
> to enter 'from __future__ import division'. You do not have to explain
> the details, just say that this is the way division will work in the
> future, and this statement will eventually not be required.
> Then your example will show that 3/2 = 1.5, which is what they would
> expect.
> Then you can mention that, if they just want the integer portion, they
> can use int(3/2). I think that most people with the slightest
> understanding of basic arithmetic will relate to this without a
> problem.
I included your suggestion in the forum topic that is linked from the
division paragraph:


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