I'd like to be able to pop up a notification bubble like the ones used by Ubuntu
for 'updates available' etc.  In particular I'd like to be able to use them to
warn users of other machines that I have started a background session for
maintenance and not to worry if the computer seems to be doing things that
aren't related to their session.

I believe these bubbles are handled by the notification-daemon, listening on
dbus for messages from libnotify0.

Can this be controlled from Python via the Python-Dbus bindings?

I haven't been able to turn up any detail or example programs yet;  am I
completely on the wrong track or can it be done?

If it can, might it make a reasonable project for me as a complete beginner with
Python though some experience with other languages?  Or would I be biting off
more than a beginner is likely te be able to deal with?



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