Felipe Almeida Lessa wrote:
> Em Dom, 2006-04-09 às 08:52 -0700, Carl Banks escreveu:
> > You've made the unfortunate mistake of indenting it with tabs, which
> > do
> > not show up on some newsreaders.  I see the tabs in Google; people
> > using Microsoft Outlook do not.
> He does not need to know that some poor designed newsreaders mess up
> with tabs at will.

Yes, he does need to know if he doesn't want some people to pass over
his post.

> Python supports tab indentation and it's not
> forbidden to use it (if it was, support for it in the Python codebase
> would have been removed long time ago).

Nope.  If tab indentation were the biggest mistake in the language, it
would still be supported because of backwards compatibility.  I don't
recall the status of tabs in Py3K but your reasoning is wrong.

Carl Banks


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