fyhuang wrote:
> It seems to me that it is difficult to use OOP to a wide extent in
> Python code because these features of the language introduce many
> inadvertant bugs. For example, if the programmer typos a variable name
> in an assignment, the assignment will probably not do what the
> programmer intended.

You'll find that if you assign to a wrongly-typed variable name, then
later attempts to access the variable you wrongly believed you typed
will raise an exception. If you assign from a wrongly-typed variable,
again an exception will be raised.

I think it's important not to wrongly confuse 'OOP' with ''data hiding'
or any other aspect you may be familiar with from Java or C++. The
primary concept behind OOP is not buzzwords such as abstraction,
encapsulation, polymorphism, etc etc, but the fact that your program
consists of objects maintaining their own state, working together to
produce the required results, as opposed to the procedural method where
the program consists of functions that operate on a separate data set.

Ben Sizer


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