> editor and even then it's still difficult.  Stuffing it into Python
> strings is a double pain because you have to figure out how may times
> you have to quote your percent signs depending on how may times you
> render a string.

You don't need to do that. You can always use your favorite templating
system. I am using Cheetah.

> Akasha is not perfect, it's not full-featured, it doesn't have any
> databases associated with it (thank god), but for me it's a dream to use
> in contrast to the half a dozen web frameworks I tried.

Karrigell's KirbyBase is strictly optional. I don't use it. And it is
not bound to Karrigell either. You can use it stand alone in any other
app by itself. It just happens to be bundled along and is meant solely
for storage needs between a config file and a small database. So it is
not intended for everything.

> if you want to play with it, let me know and I will update CVS at
> https://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/akasha with the current work in
> progress

Please do. I switched to Karrigell after problems with CherryPy in
'development mode'. I did find Karrigell amazingly simple and it just
stepped out of the way but had all the things I thought were nice about
CherryPy. Because of the simplicity, I did not have to deal with a
single quirk so far. But maybe, I will like your framework better once
I see it.

> ps. If you check wikipedia it has some rather amusing uplifting
> definitions for Akasha and Akasha records.  Although on bad days I think
> of Akasha as a code sucking vampire draining the life out of my hands.

Akasha in many [Asian] Indian languages means 'Sky' :-).


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