Petr Prikryl wrote:
> "Aahz" wrote...
>>Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>>>Aahz a �crit :
> [...]
>>>>>Please repeat this 101 times each morning:
>>>>>"thou shall not use old-style classes for they are deprecated".
>>>>Classic classes are *NOT* deprecated.
>>>Perhaps not *officially* yet...
>>Not even unofficially.  The point at which we have deprecation is when
>>PEP8 gets changed to say that new-style classes are required for
> My question: Could the old classes be treated in
> a new Python treated as new classes with "implicit"
> base object? (I know the Zen... ;-)
> Example: I use usually a very simple classes. When I add
> "(object)" to my class definitions, the code continues to
> works fine -- plus I have new features to use.
> Why this cannot be done automatically? What could
> be broken in the old code if it was threated so?

Method resolution order in class hierarchies that have multiple inheritance.

Robert Kern

"I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma
 that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had
 an underlying truth."
  -- Umberto Eco


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