Thank you for your reply.

Yes I have read the documentation. But I am not sure what is the SB/SE 
suboption. Is this a suboption on the remote machine or for Python.
Maybe you could be so kind and explain it to me with a little code example.

Thany you very much!

"Dennis Lee Bieber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
> On Thu, 13 Apr 2006 23:45:06 +0200, "Arne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> declaimed the following in comp.lang.python:
>> 1. What I look for is the option to get only certain parts of the output. 
>> It
>> seems to me that the command "read_sb_data" can do this. The 
>> documentation
>> says, that I will get the data between the SB/SE pair. But I don't know 
>> how
>> to invoke the SE command in Unix. Even I don't know the SE command.
> Did you read the full documentation? "SB/SE" are "suboption
> begin/end", and there is also mention of a "callback". The ONLY other
> entry in telnetlib that mentions callbacks is the one for negotiating
> telnet options.
> read_sb_data( )
> Return the data collected between a SB/SE pair (suboption begin/end).
> The callback should access these data when it was invoked with a SE
> command. This method never blocks.
> set_option_negotiation_callback( callback)
> Each time a telnet option is read on the input flow, this callback (if
> set) is called with the following parameters : callback(telnet socket,
> command (DO/DONT/WILL/WONT), option). No other action is done afterwards
> by telnetlib.
>> Using os.stat(path) doesen't work on XP, I am always getting a 0 return
> No surprise -- os.stat can only access files mounted on the local
> machine. Telnet is remote /terminal/ connection. You'll have to behave
> like a terminal... How would you, as a user at a terminal, know when any
> command had finished? Probably by seeing a console prompt...
> Try
> read_until( expected[, timeout])
> Read until a given string, expected, is encountered or until timeout
> seconds have passed.
> When no match is found, return whatever is available instead, possibly
> the empty string. Raise EOFError if the connection is closed and no
> cooked data is available.
> You'll have to know what the prompt string will be...
> -- 
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