Steven Bethard wrote:
> Steven Bethard wrote:
>>Tim Hochberg wrote:
>>>Steven Bethard wrote:
>>>>Steven Bethard wrote:
>>>>>Duncan Booth wrote:
>>>>>>make Element html:
>>>>>>   make Element body:
>>>>>>       make Element p:
>>>>>>           text('But this ')
>>>>>>           make Element strong:
>>>>>>                text('could')
>>>>>>           text(' be made to work')
>>>>>This is nice.  I'll have to play around with it a bit to see how 
>>>>>hard it would be to make it work.
>>>>Okay, I think it'll work[1].  I'm going to update this section to 
>>>>something more like:
>>>>Open Issues
>>>>Should users of the make statement be able to determine in which dict
>>>>object the code is executed?  This would allow the make statement to
>>>>be used in situations where a normal dict object would not suffice,
>>>>e.g. if order and repeated names must be allowed. Allowing this sort
>>>>of customization could allow XML to be written like::
>>>I think this PEP is going off the rails. It's primary virtue was that 
>>>it was a simpler, clearer way to write:
>>>    class Foo(args):
>>>       __metaclass__ = some_metaclass
>>>       #...
>>>Once it starts calling secret magic methods behind the scenes it's 
>>>losing that virture. And for what? Supporting some use cases that have 
>>>reasonable solutions already?
>>That's why it's in the Open Issues section.  I expect most of these open 
>>issues to be resolved by rejection.  (At least, that's my preferred 
>>resolution.)  But since they people have brought them up, I think they 
>>need to be addressed as completely as possible.
>>But I think you make a good point that this particular case can be just 
>>as easily done using a with-statement (I think).  I'll add that to this 
>>part of the PEP (once I'm sure it works).
> Hmm...  Actually, while the with-statement can probably help out with 
> the nesting, it doesn't help out with the DRY; you still have to repeat 
> the element name (once for the call to Element, and once as the name 
> that Element object is bound to).

I don't think that's correct. I think that with a suitably designed 
HtmlDocument object, the following should be possible:

with HtmlDocument("Title") as doc:
     with doc.element("body"):
        doc.text("before first h1")
        with doc.element("h1", style="first"):
           doc.text("first h1")
        # I don't understand the point of tail, but you could do that too
        doc.text("after first h1")
        with doc.element("h1", style="second"):
            doc.text("second h1")
        doc.text("after second h1")

That seems reasonably DRY compliant. Doc would simply stack and unstack 
the attributes on the way in and out of the with blocks. This arguably 
maps better to the underlying HTML as well.

I'd like to reiterate my point that, as far as I can tell, the make 
statement won't actually work for creating HTML in all but the most 
trivial of cases. Consider:

with HtmlDocument("Title Here") as doc:
     with doc.element("body"):
        with doc.element("h1"):
            doc.text("An ordered list")
        with doc.element("ol"): # Ordered list
            for value in some_list:

If I try to translate this to make syntax, I get into trouble. I end up 
with 'value' getting set as an element over and over again. Not at all 
what I want! I suppose you could filter your expression so that only 
things that subtype some marker class get added, but that's piling 
weirdness on top of confusion; and good sign that the whole idea is 
better off abandoned.



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