First time trying to create an executable with py2exe.  I have a small
program which makes use of python23 (2.3.5?), wxpython (''),
matplotlib ('0.83.2'), win32com (latest?), Numeric ('23.7') on Windows XP &
Win2000. The program runs without problem but as an exe it doesn't even get
to showing the GUI.

I get the following error log when I run the executable.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 1264, in ?
  File "wx\_core.pyc", line 7668, in __init__
  File "wx\_core.pyc", line 7320, in _BootstrapApp
  File "", line 364, in OnInit
  File "", line 79, in __init__
  File "", line 204, in restore_inputs
  File "", line 275, in setConfig
  File "wx\_controls.pyc", line 621, in SetValue
TypeError: String or Unicode type required

Line 621 in wx\_controls.pyc refers to setting the value of a combobox at
the start up of my code. The initial values of various widgets (checkboxes,
textboxes and comboboxes) are stored in a pickled file which is read at the
program start. Running the program, not the exe, shows that the variables
are retrieved properly and of the correct type for the combobox.SetValue

Furthermore, if I comment out the code to set the combobox value and
recreate the exe, then I get the same sort of error message for a different
(textbox) widget.

I've read all the py2exe WIKI entries, forum posts and Googled myself
senseless ... now I'm stuck. Can anyone shed any light on this problem, or
have some experience to share?

As an aside, I've found this a very frustrating process at this stage. Never
thought it would be so much trouble. Am I just dreaming in thinking I can
package up my program with this combination of modules?.

fwiw my py2exe file is included below. It's obviously a concoction
of includes, excludes and other options pieced together from hours of
browsing wiki's etc.




from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe
import sys

# If run without args, build executables, in quiet mode.
if len(sys.argv) == 1:

# Matplotlib
# We need to import the glob module to search for all files.
import glob
# We need to exclude matplotlib backends not being used by this executable.
You may find
# that you need different excludes to create a working executable with your
chosen backend.
# We also need to include matplotlib.numerix.random_array
options = {"py2exe": {
                      "includes": ["matplotlib.numerix.random_array",
                     "matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg", "encodings",
#                       "includes": ["matplotlib", "Numeric", "scipy",
#                      "excludes": ["_gtkagg", "_tkagg"],
                      "packages": ["pytz"],
                      "dll_excludes": ['libgdk-win32-2.0-0.dll',

# Additional data files are required by matplotlib.  Note that the glob.glob
# doesn't seem to pick up the .matplotlib resource file, so I copy that
# Do the same if you need to
#datf = [(r'matplotlibdata', glob.glob(r'c:\python23\share\matplotlib\*')),
#        (r'matplotlibdata',
datf = [(r'matplotlibdata', glob.glob(r'c:\python23\share\matplotlib\*'))]

# for scipy
excludes = []
includes = ["scipy.special.__cvs_version__", "scipy.linalg.__cvs_version__",

# other
#options["py2exe"]["compressed"] = 1
#options["py2exe"]["optimize"] = 2
#options["py2exe"]["ascii"] = 1
#options["py2exe"]["bundle_files"] = 3
#options["py2exe"]["skip_archive"] = 1

    options = options,
    data_files = datf,
    name = 'validation',
    description = 'Validation Program',
    windows = ['']


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