>> I've been digging around, but can't seem to come up
>> with the right combo of words to google for to get
>> helpful results.  Is there some handy wrapper/module
>> that allows code to target existance as both a CGI
>> script and a mod_python script, with only one "import"
>> statement?  Perhaps some common object model?
> You could try WebStack - it provides a common API which
> would probably be suitable for your purposes:
> http://www.python.org/pypi/WebStack


I meant to thank you (even if I already have) for this link 
as it's just what I've been looking for.  Thanks!

I've had some trouble installing it on one of my boxes and 
was hoping you might be able to tell me where I've gone awry:

It's a Debian/Testing box with Apache 1.x running with both 
CGI and mod_python enabled for testing purposes (my aim is 
to make use of at least the CGI, mod_python, and 

When I run the setup.py script (either as myself or as root) 
I get back

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cd ~tim/WebStack-1.1.2
[EMAIL PROTECTED] python2.3 setup.py install
running install
error: invalid Python installation: unable to open 
/usr/lib/python2.3/config/Makefile (No such file or directory)

Now this makes sense, as I don't have a config/ in my 
/usr/lib/python2.3 directory.  However, I've not had trouble 
with any other packages (though everything else has been 
added via apt-get, not via setup.py files).  Is this a file 
that should be there?  If so, where would I go about finding 
it?  If not, is there a simple way to do an install without 
setup.py (or to tell setup.py to "get over it")?  Or is 
there a Debian repository with a .deb package for it that I 
  can point at (I noticed you may have some Debian sort of 
leaning while hunting through the help)?

Push come to shove, it would be possible to manually copy 
files to their associated locations:  docs and apidocs to a 
WebStack directory in /usr/share/docs, and the WebStack 
python files to /usr/lib/python2.3/WebStack ...is there 
anything else I'm missing here?




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