I've been browsing what Python has to offer in the world of web 
programming for past few weeks, while preparing to select something for 
small, quick and dirty projects where my favorable solution, Zope3, is an 

There sure are handfull of solutions out there, but I didn't quite like 
any of them, starting from those with more of a framework approach (TG, 
Django, ...), and ending with really small ones, like Karrigell and Webpy. 
Ofourse, I haven't tested each and everyone, but I've read a lot of docs, 
and even more examples (Btw, those TG screencasts are really awesome for 
introduction), and found nothing that 'fits my brain' :).

But, reading some old posts on c.l.py I found out about Myghty 
(http://www.myghty.org), and by reading the docs and examples, I came to 
like it. First of all, it's built with HTML::Mason as a role model, and 
although I haven't worked with Mason first hand, I heard about quite a few 
success stories. Besides that, the idea of components and MVC is also a 
plus in my book, API is quite clear and the documentation is really 
useful. It is hard to explain, but I fell in love at the first sight :).

There's only one thing bothering me, and that is it's lack of publicity. 
There are only few posts on thig NG with some refference to Myghty, and 
even less when it comes to Pylons (http://pylonshq.com/), framework built 
on top of Myghy. Myghy project isn't that new to explain why people don't 
know about it, so is something fundamentaly wrong with it?

Anyway, to make a long story short, those who haven't heard about it, be 
sure to check it out, you just might like it, but I would really like to 
hear from people (if there are such) using it in real world 

 _______                                        Karlo Lozovina - Mosor
|   |   |.-----.-----.     web: http://www.mosor.net || ICQ#: 10667163
|       ||  _  |  _  |             Parce mihi domine quia Dalmata sum.

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