There was an extra space before ready. It works otherwise. Use the code
below or just remove the space.
Heres the fixed code:
ready = raw_input("Ready to proceed ? TYPE (y)es or (n)o: ")

if ready  == "y":
        print "You are Ready"
        print "Try again"
Ralph H. Stoos Jr. wrote:
> All,
> I am reading a Python tutorial for complete non-programmers.
> The code below is so simple as to be insulting but the assignment of the
> "ready" variable gives a syntax error.
> The code reads letter-for-letter like the tutorial states.
> Here is a dump.  Can anyone tell me what is wrong?
> ***************************************************
> print " "
> print "This \"autotp\" program will create raw bitmap test pattern images."
> print " "
> print "Please read the information below thoroughly:"
> print " "
> print "1. Graphic files MUST be TIFF images."
> print "2. Images MUST have been ripped though a Nuvera system as a Print
> and Save job"
> print "3. Images should already be named with the desired file name."
> print "4. The Lead Edge and file name should be identified in the image."
> print "5. The name includes the purpose for, resolution of, side, and
> paper size"
> print "6. Images should be rotated to print correctly from Service
> Diagnostics."
> print " "
> print "EXAMPLE: Bypass_BFM_Damage_1200x1200_Letter.tif"
> print " "
> # Get the decision if operator is ready
>       ready = raw_input("Ready to proceed ? TYPE (y)es or (n)o: ")
>       if ready  == "y":
>               print "You are Ready"
>       else:
>               print "Try again"
> OUTPUT from execution
>   File "", line 21
>      ready = raw_input("Ready to proceed ? TYPE (y)es or (n)o: ")
>      ^
> *******************************************************************
> Please respond to the group and to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thanks,
> Ralph


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