On Mon, Apr 17, 2006 at 03:30:04AM -0500, Nick Craig-Wood wrote:

> UTSL ;-)
> Look at /usr/lib/python2.4/SimpleXMLRPCServer.py (adjust as per your
> distro) and in particular the definition of the CGIXMLRPCRequestHandler class.

I did this before posting my question, in fact, but I did not look
good enough maybe, as at first sight I thought tghe CGI... class
would be too CGI-specific (it looks for environment variables etc.
given by the HTTP server), but maybe it's good enough.

> That looks as thought it almost, or maybe completely, does what you
> want, ie an XMLRPC subclass which reads from stdin and writes to
> stdout.

Will try...

--    Jos Vos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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