> Since there have been python limmericks, are there any
> Python lullabies that I can sing to my newborn son
> (actually, born yesterday)?  I tried to murmur some
> select parts from the tutorial, but he somehow wasn't
> very interested :)

Well, you might start with "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little 
Asterisk" or:

 >>> "Blind Mice" * 3
 >>> you is self.sunshine
 >>> [horse for horse in horses if horse.pretty]
 >>> for baby in tree.top.babies:
...    if wind.blows(): baby.cradle.rock()
...    if tree.bough.breaks():
...        fall([baby, cradle, all])

and last, and certainly worst:

 >>> "Mary had a Little Lambda"

While you're at it, if you want them to learn Vim, you can 
hum them "Bram's Lullaby"... (groan)

Okay...that's a bad enough starter :)



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