Steven Bethard wrote:
> I've updated PEP 359 with a bunch of the recent suggestions.  The
> patch is available at:
> and I've pasted the full text below.
> I've tried to be more explicit about the goals -- the make statement
> is mostly syntactic sugar for::
>    class <name> <tuple>:
>        __metaclass__ = <callable>
>        <block>
> so that you don't have to lie to your readers when you're not actually
> creating a class.  I've also added some new examples and expanded the
> discussion of the old ones to give the statement some better
> motivation.  And I've expanded the Open Issues discussions to consider
> a few alternate keywords and to indicate some of the difficulties in
> allowing a ``__make_dict__`` attribute for customizing the dict in
> which the block is executed.

Guido has pronounced on this PEP:
Consider it dead. =)


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