


Scott David Daniels wrote:

> Jorge Godoy wrote:
>> Philippe Martin wrote:
>>> I need to get the date and time under Windows and Linux but need the
>>> information visible to the user (cannot find my words) not the sytem
>>> information (ex: a PC setup on greenwich but the date/time displayed are
>>> relative to some other place.
>> Something like this?
>>>>> import datetime
>>>>> datetime.datetime.now()
>> ...
> Just so you (Phillipe) know, you are talking about "local time" vs. UTC.
>      >>> import datetime
>      >>> print datetime.datetime.now() # local
>      2006-04-18 15:25:03.140000
>      >>> print datetime.datetime.utcnow() # zulu / utc / gmt
>      2006-04-18 22:25:13.625000
> --Scott David Daniels


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