"Is this the right room for an argument?"


ok, so my execution is pretty crude, but you can at least see my idea.
I trust you to imagine it professionally executed in cheerful colors.

Advantages of proposed logo over existing logo

represents an actual python involved in python-like behavior, rather
than two tadpoles

has a sense of dynamism and forward motion, as opposed to backwardness
and upside-downiness

the eyes form a colon, thus remeniscent of python code, and the coil is
indicative of the "more than meets the eye" that a python object so
remarkably delivers

also, pythons coil around their eggs!

succeeds in making snake into a letter "P" without making it face
backwards, and yet resists the unfortunate temptation to use a forked
tongue to make a "y"

numerous variations and animations immediately present themsleves

no obvious references to religious icons

will sell T shirts and lapel pins; a swag clock is an obvious

(did I mention ( http://tinyurl.com/rkq3s ) that I don't like the
current logo?)

Much as it would be an ego-boost for me to have some version of this
idea used for the language, I'm  almost as happy with repurposing the
most excellent PyCon logo if that is OK with everyone involved. But imo
we can't fully promote the power of Python with tadpoles.



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