Thanks everyone for their assistance.

I have managed to achieve all that I set out to do:
- separation between src and test folders
- now successfully sharing code between projects
- running unittest s and suites
- avoiding namespace collisions

The solution involved the following (if anyone else is interested)
- ammending all my packages so that they included the

from pkgutil import extend_path
__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)

as per Peter Otten's suggestion

- refactoring all the code so that the imports and froms conformed to
the new package structure (a.b.c.common, a.b.c.app1 etc) and physically
moving all the required files

- ammending the PYTHONPATH so that the src and test directories for
each project is included at the time of running


Of course the /test entries are only required for testing and not
runtime but you get the idea.

I understand that flatter package structures are apparently the python
way ( but I like
a nice little small little related package of functionality when I am l
carving up a complex problem so I'm happy to incur any extra
performance penalty in dict lookups.

thanks again



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