ToddLMorgan wrote:

> I'm just starting out with python, after having a long history with
> Java. I was wondering if there were any resources or tips from anyone
> out there in Python-land that can help me make the transition as
> successfully as possible? Perhaps you've made the transition yourself
> or just have experience with folks who have made the transition.

Some time ago I had to learn a bit of Java in order to be able to write 
some signed jython browser applets that I could use while working at a 
highly restricted public library computer. So I guess I was coming from 
the opposite direction :-) Anyway I wondered why (and how!) very small 
jython scripts could replace large blocks of java code.

Maybe looking at it from a jython perspective will be educational for 
you. I think it would be a lot of fun realizing how much java code can 
actually be 'automatically' generated or filled in by jython traversing 
its class system.

Also I'm hoping it would produce an opportunity for an advanced java 
coder to write some cool signed java applet in jython that would have 
the look and feel of for python but that would run from a 

I know it can be done because I did write some experimental but still 
already very functional things like a jython console webbrowser applet, 
a running from within a browser, and I hacked some other
jython editor-console (eclipse is good for such things) to add some 
functionality and do my own signing and library selection.

Don't ask for my code yet though, it's nowhere near presentable. Anyway, 
since then I found a job that gives me access to less locked down 
computers which is also fun.



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