Alex Martelli wrote:
> Can anybody suggest where to get a Framework SDK 1.1., or any other
> legal way to get "the core msvcrt.lib for msvcr71.dll against which to
> link your extensions.  This is critically important"...???


> I'm sure my Windows-loving
> colleagues in the PSF (who got several free copies of VS 2003 from
> Microsoft, I believe -- at the time, I had zero Windows installations
> and zero interest in Windows, so I didn't sign up for one) have fully
> considered this recurring drama, and come to the decision of sticking
> with VS 2003 (avoiding any free-as-in-beer compilers such as VS 2005 or
> mingw) with thorough and wise deliberation.

Not sure whether this mark was meant to be sarcastic: but why you don't
want to use mingw to build extensions on Windows, I cannot understand.


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