On Sun, 23 Apr 2006 21:15:23 -0700, Alex Martelli wrote:

> As suggested to me by David Rushby 10 hours ago,
> ... < huge URL snipped > ...

Alas, somehow this URL was split in two, and all the kings horses and all
the kings men can't seem to put it back together again (at least in my
browser).  Could someone post a tinyurl?

> And, as an aside...:
> [Those] not willing to shell out mucho $$$ to MS for a pro VS
> 2003) must go through such gyrations as these in order to be able to
> build Python extensions on Windows.  I'm sure my Windows-loving
> colleagues in the PSF (who got several free copies of VS 2003 from
> Microsoft, I believe -- at the time, I had zero Windows installations
> and zero interest in Windows, so I didn't sign up for one) have fully
> considered this recurring drama, and come to the decision of sticking
> with VS 2003 (avoiding any free-as-in-beer compilers such as VS 2005 or
> mingw) with thorough and wise deliberation.

Well, so long as there's a way to get the requisite tools.  I'm sure
these Windows-loving colleagues confirmed these "free" tools worked under
WINE, else how would us cheap programmers with Windows-less boxes avoid
sending $$$ to the Great Satan?

Jim Wilson
Gainesville, FL

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