I have been using ZOPE (mostly with CMF/Plone) for a couple years now.
MY recolleciton of the initial leraning curve, was hours reading
through source code, newsgroups, web site, outdated garbage, days long
marathons of coffee, beer and very little sleep.

After about 2 weeks of this horrible mindnumbing headache - the eureka
moment hit, and it has proven itself to be  a fairly robust application
server environment, and has really delivered for me in terms of being
able to quickle create web apps.

I would say though the question of Zope is not a question of
implementation language - it is it's own thing.  I think a lot of the
talk of adding typing to python has emerged from the Zope camp.  So the
question you should ask yourself, not do I want to use python or php -
it's more do I want to use Zope?  Zope is pretty well supported and
seems to have a good bit of momentum (compared to other python based
app servers)

My experince is that the learning curve is steep, and the path is
heavily littered with debris.  But, once the initial curve is passed -
the results seems almost magical (at least compared to other app server
environments I have worked with)


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