Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 雷 wrote:
>> suggest  add do while loop in later version
> Please also suggest a clean syntax for this.  :-)

Since Python already has a while <condition>: loop, I'm supposing you 
mean something like 
                <some code>
        while <not condition>
                <some code>
        until <condition>

Is that what you mean? In some languages that might be a "do x until y" 
loop,  which I would suppose has been proposed before for Python. A 
clean syntax might be 

        until <condition>:
                <some code>

... except that people seem to object to placing the condition 
specification so far from where the test would actually take place (at 
the bottom of the loop). I don't have a problem with that, but I can see 
why many would. It doesn't seem Pythonic somehow. 

There was a long thread about a loop-and-a-half construction where some 
of this was discussed, though I don't have a link for that. 

In any case, what would you want to do that you can't do (in some way) 
now? If you have a compelling use case, you could get a bit more 
attention than merely offering a suggested expansion of the language.


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