John Bokma wrote:
> Ken Tilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> [ reported ]
>>What might stop?
> The excessive cross posting.
>>I see one technical post every one or few weeks from 
>>Xah, followed by a dozen posts from self-appointed library-sushers
>>such as Eli and library-shusher-shushers such as you and me, none of
>>which are technical.
>>The one technical post, whatever one thinks of it, creates no problem;
> It does, it's cross posted in too many groups that have no direct relation 
> with each other, other then they are programming languages. Xah is 
> trolling, you know it, I know it.

No, I do not know it. I have checked out his web site, and have been 
involved in threads with him on comp.lang.lisp. He takes seriously what 
he writes. whatever you think of it.

and if he were a troll, he would respond to each and every shusher to 
increase the flames. in this case he just responded to someone who 
threatened him.

meanwhile, some other genius has just shushed him. I think we are all 
aprt of an experiemnt in Usenet addiction.


peace and quiet,


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