You can use win32file.DeviceIoControl to link directories.
I can post some code to do so if anyone's interested.


"Brian Quinlan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Recently, I became responsible for maintaining some Python code, which was 
> organized as follows:
> user/pylib
>      ui
>      ...
> project2/pylib
>          ui
>          ...
> project3/pylib
>          ui
>          ...
> python-packages/user => /user/pylib
>                 project2 => /project2/pylib
>                 project3 => /project3/pylib
> The idea is that "python-packages" is added to sys.path and then every 
> project can import the library package from every other 
> project. NOTE: I think that this structure is crazy but I'm just the poor 
> maintenance programmer.
> Anyway, the problem is that Windows does not have a symlink facility to 
> accommodate this (AFAIK) and the Python import 
> mechanism does not resolve shortcuts.
> Therefore, I wrote a very simple import hook to get around that problem. If 
> you are interested, the code is here:
> BTW, does anyone else think that this functionality should be part of core 
> Python?
> Cheers,
> Brian 

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