On 27 Apr 2006 02:48:46 -0700,

> why the output of this code :
> x = 0
> while x < 10:
>         z = 0
>         print x
>         x = x + 1
>         while z < x:
>                 print z,
>                 z = z + 1

> is

> 0

Okay, that was x, from the print statement inside the x-loop.

> 0 1

And that's z, from the print statement inside the z-loop.  z is 0, and
then when z is 1, it's not less than x, so we're done printing z's.

And then we get the next x.

> 0 1 2

And two more z's, 0 and 1, since x is now 2.

And another x.

Since this might be homework, I'll stop at a hint:  you need to think
about when you want each printed line to end, and make sure that you
tell python to end it there.


Dan Sommers
"I wish people would die in alphabetical order." -- My wife, the genealogist

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