"Chris" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> skrev i meddelandet news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> it now comes up with the error message
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "C:\Python24\lib\lib-tk\Tkinter.py", line 1345, in __call__
>     return self.func(*args)
>   File "C:\Documents and Settings\chris\Desktop\Python\client.py", line
> 30, in sendMessage
>     self.sendLine("Test")
> AttributeError: ChatFactory instance has no attribute 'sendLine'

Which is exactly what one would expect from this method

    def sendMessage(self):

if the class you inherit from doesn't provide a sendLine method.

But since you wrote that method, what did you expect it to do ?

(If this is code from some Twisted manual or sample, it's probably time
to double-check your code against the source...)



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