"Kaz Kylheku" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> John Bokma wrote:
>> Alex Buell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Send your complaints to:
>> > abuse at sbcglobal dott net
>> > abuse at dreamhost dott com
>> Yup, done. If he's still with dreamhost he probably is in trouble
>> now. If not, next.
> Hahaha, right. Your complaints probably go straight do /dev/null. Do
> you think any ISP out there cares about someone cross-posting a little
> troll on Usenet, cross-posted to a handful of groups? They have bigger
> abuse issues to worry about.

I have warned this user that excessive offtopic cross-posting is not 
allowed, and explained that if he doesn't quit he risks losing his 
account. If you (or anyone else) notice this in the future, please do not 
hesitate to submit another report.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

- Jeff C.
- Abuse Coordinator, DreamHost Web Hosting - http://www.dreamhost.com/

> He pisses some of you people off because a lot of his ranting is
> approximately on the mark.

You have no clue, so much is clear, and guessing doesn't help.

> In my home country of Slovakia people say
> "Trafena' hus zaga'ga!", which means "It is the goose that is hit
> which will honk up".

Expect some honking from Xah soon then.

John                               MexIT: http://johnbokma.com/mexit/
                           personal page:       http://johnbokma.com/
        Experienced programmer available:     http://castleamber.com/
            Happy Customers: http://castleamber.com/testimonials.html

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