In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Edward Elliott

> I can prove that assertion too: make a simple text processor that reads
> Python source code and outputs the same source code with only one change:
> insert the string 'self" as the first parameter of every "def somemethod". 
> Next run the output source code with the normal Python interpreter. 
> Everything functions *exactly* as before because the code is *exactly* the
> same as what you would have written if you'd put the 'self's in there
> manually.  Now make the Python interpreter invoke this text processor as
> the first step in processing source code.  Voila, python + implicit self.  

Okay, let's start with writing a simple text processor for this little

    def b(c):
        def d(r, *s, **t):
            print '***'
            c(r, *s, **t)
        return d
    class A:
        def a(x, y, z):
            print y, z

    def e(u, v):
        print u, v
    class B:
        def e(v, w):
            print 'spam', v, w
    A.e = e
    x = A()
    x.a('answer', 42)
    e('eric', 'viking')
    A.a(x, 'ham', 'eggs')

        Marc 'BlackJack' Rintsch

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