bruno at modulix wrote:
> Martin P. Hellwig wrote:
>> Bruno Desthuilliers wrote:
>> <cut>
>>> Why not just use the call operator instead ? ie:
>>>  >>> id = IDGenerator(...)
>>>  >>> id()
>>> 01_20060424_151903_1
>>>  >>> id()
>>> 01_20060424_151905_2
>> Because of:
>>>>>> id = IDGenerator("01",99)
>>>>>> id()
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "<pyshell#1>", line 1, in ?
>>>     id()
>>> TypeError: 'IDGenerator' object is not callable
> Of course - you have to overload the call operator for this to work.
> Just rename IDGenerator.__repr__ to IDGenerator.__call__, and I garantee
> this will work - and will be *much* more cleaner than abusing __repr__.
Thanks! That was the thing I was looking for!


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