I am trying to port a Delphi database application
to python on linux with a firebird database backend
and I am using pythoncard to recreate the gui.

I will have about 25 delphi forms to
be recreated and I would like to know
what is the best way to call them up
from within each other .
There is a main screen where I must
be able to call up any of the subscreens
and on any given subscreen there would
be buttons to call up 1-5 of the other subscreens
or go back to the mainscreen.

The database is connected on the mainscreen 
and relevant connections/cursors shall be accessible
from any of the subscreens.

While I am able to connect to the database and create the
different screens I am stumped at how to efficiently
call them up and pass the cursors between them as needed.

Sorry for the long post. 

Thanks for any hint


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