Looks like a bug (probably in IDLE): when I start IDLE from the command
line, it pops up its interaction window and here is what it says about

IDLE 1.1.2      
>>> import sys
>>> sys.stdout
<idlelib.rpc.RPCProxy instance at 0xb76a490c>

Then I try the reload and I get no output in the interaction

>>> reload(sys)
>>> sys.stdout

After the reload, stdout has been changed to the terminal from which
IDLE got started, so I see the messages there:

<module 'sys' (built-in)>
<open file '<stdout>', mode 'w' at 0xb7b67068>

As you can see, stdout has been redefined (back to the way it would be if
you started Python from the command line, with no IDLE involved).
nick  (nicholas dot dokos at hp dot com)

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