Careful of using the wrong tool for the job.  Don't use Python for the sake of it unless its as a learning experience.

All of the things you ask for can be done by simply using the Windows start menu to launch a shortcut with various command line options.  Voila - problem solved.

On 5 May 2006 05:15:46 -0700, nikie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
san wrote:

> Hi
> I am using windows xp and have installed python and win32. I am
> familiar with basic Python. I wanted to control some of the
> applications via python script.
> I would like to write a python script to say:
> 1. Open firefox and log on to gmail
> 2. Another firefox window to visit slickdeals
> 3. Open winamp and tune in to a shoutcast station
> 4. Open groupwise ...
> etc ..
> These are the task I do every day whenever I log on my computer .. it
> just seems repetitive and hence probably can be coded in python.
> Can I do this in python? Where do I find the COM objects/interfaces for
> all these different programs? Are there any sample codes ?

I just googled for "iTunes com python", there are lots of samples. If
you can't find any, or want to find out about an applications
interfaces yourself, you can sill use MakePy to find out what com
interfaces are installed on your computer, and simply use the "dir" and
"help" commands in the interactive console on those interfaces to find
out what they do. (There are other tools to explore COM interfaces,
like OleView, but if you're familiar with Python already, using
dir/help is probably going to be easier)
Reading Mark Hammond's excellent book (or at least the sample chapter
on automation) wouldn't hurt either ;-)



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